Pentagram’s Do the Green Thing returns with Ungifted - an alternative to sending unwanted presents
The Pentagram-based environmental public service Do the Green Thing has returned with Ungifted – a free-to-use alternative to giving unwanted or thoughtless presents at Christmas. The website has been updated with new illustrations by Cachete Jack and a list of suggestions to give instead of presents that may not be needed.
“Ungifted separates Christmas from presents, encouraging people to treat their loved ones to shared experiences through time spent together, instead of thoughtless and environmentally-harmful tat,” says Do the Green Thing. “It is estimated that the population of Britain receives almost £3 billion worth of unwanted Christmas gifts every year. Each item returned is shipped at least three times – and as many as five times – to get through a chain of retailers, wholesalers and resellers. This ever-increasing problem is taking its toll on the environment, as well as people’s wallets.”
The initiative encourages people to participate in #Greenfriday, a national day of mass ungifting and a riposte to the rampant consumerism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Ungifted guides you though a process whereby you can come up with alternative ideas for a more meaningful present for your loved ones, which are then sent in an e-card.
“Green was the colour of Santa’s suit back in the day when he was known as St Nicholas, and we’d like to see him return to his green roots,” said Do The Green Thing co-founder Naresh Ramchandani, “avoid Black Friday syndrome and the Boxing Day sales by doing something a little different this year, something that is far more meaningful for your loved ones and better for the world they inhabit.”
Do the Green Thing: Ungifted
Do the Green Thing: Ungifted
Do the Green Thing: Ungifted
Do the Green Thing: Ungifted
Do the Green Thing: Ungifted
Do the Green Thing: Ungifted
Do the Green Thing: Ungifted
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Owen joined It’s Nice That as Editor in November of 2015 leading and overseeing all editorial content across online, print and the events programme, before leaving in early 2018.