Secret Cinema launches nationwide and expands into the horror genre
Secret Cinema has announced its next immersive film experience will mark its first venture into the horror genre with Danny Boyle’s 28 Days Later. The latest production will also see Secret Cinema launch nationwide as both London and another UK city, still to be announced, will host the events.
28 Days Later will be the first major show in 2016 following the success of Secret Cinema’s Star Wars production. Danny Boyle and the film’s screenwriter Alex Garland and producer Andrew MacDonald have all shown support for the project. “Secret Cinema never fails to amaze with their experiences, and it’s exciting to see them tackle its first ever horror. London prepare,” says MacDonald.
Secret Cinema’s founder and creative director, Fabien Riggall has said: “Secret Cinema is excited to step into the world of horror with Danny Boyle’s 28 Days Later, a true British horror classic – we look forward to creating a suitably frightening and exhilarating experience. Secret Cinema’s expansion over the last nine years has been remarkable, we’ve now created experiences in New York and Berlin, as well as the many in London. But this will be a turning point for us as we embark upon our very first UK nationwide production."
Secret Cinema will run from 14 April – 29 May 29, and tickets will go on sale 3 March 2016 via the Secret Cinema website.
Danny Boyle: 28 Days Later, 20th Century Fox
Danny Boyle: 28 Days Later, 20th Century Fox
Danny Boyle: 28 Days Later, 20th Century Fox
Danny Boyle: 28 Days Later, 20th Century Fox