Rick Banks launches innovative online “type tester” for F37 Foundry

6 February 2017

Graphic designer Rick Banks, who runs Face37, has launched a new website for his foundry F37 that allows designers to test out typefaces within a web browser.

Rick says he observed that existing font websites were “somewhat clunky and restrictive” when it came to testing out fonts, so aimed to create a site where designers “could experiment freely with type using everyday behaviours”. He worked on the site together with digital designer Francis Smith and developer Tom Duncalf for seven months to build the online service.

The “type tester” echoes the environment and tools of Illustrator within a browser, allowing users to experiment with F37’s font library on the site. Users can move, resize, adjust colours, rotate pieces of text and adapt the leading, kerning and tracking of fonts before purchasing.

The site is aimed at graphic designers primarily, but Rick hopes it’ll also appeal to web designers and developers for its innovative approach to in-browser experience using recent technology.

At the moment the site is only available on desktop, optimally on Chrome.

To coincide with the launch, Rick has also launched new typeface F37 Jagger.


F37 Foundry


F37 Foundry

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Jenny Brewer

Jenny is the online editor of It’s Nice That, overseeing all our editorial output. She was previously It’s Nice That’s news editor. Get in touch with any big creative stories, tips, pitches, news and opinions, or questions about all things editorial.

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