New survey suggests that “Just Do It” is advertising's most memorable slogan
Via Nike
When you step back and really think about it, your entire existence is mediated and modulated by slogans. You drink Reassuringly Expensive beer, and Taste the Rainbow. You Get the London Look and are Never Knowingly Undersold. You deposit your paycheque into The World’s Local Bank, and For Everything Else, There’s MasterCard. Slogans, then: they’re absolutely everywhere.
As examples of micro-copywriting that worm their way deep into the brain, they’re ingenious. They convey so much with so little; the shortest short stories in the world.
News breaks today that for UK consumers, it’s sports giant Nike who can claim to have the most memorable slogan going. A survey carried out by creative communications agency Sparkloop saw the Oregonian powerhouses’ “Just Do It” pip Tesco’s “Every Little Helps” and McDonald’s “I’m Loving It” to the post.
Somewhat famously inspired by the last words of American murderer Gary Gilmore (who uttered “Let’s do it” before being executed by firing squad at Utah State Prison), “Just Do It” has been in constant use since it emerged from the Wieden+Kennedy offices in 1988.
Sparkloop reports that 44.65% of the 1000 respondents felt these taglines “made them feel either happy, inspired or motivated” which, they argue, demonstrates, the brands’ “capability to engage emotionally with consumers”.
Gayle Carpenter, the managing director of Sparkloop says of the result: “Successful brands, like Nike, have something very much in common. Although they initially focus on their product or service, they work hard to create a brand movement, attracting a key demographic, who believes in the brand’s values, culture and communications.”
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Josh Baines joined It's Nice That from July 2018 to July 2019 as News Editor, covering new high-profile projects, awards announcements, and everything else in between.