When to wake up, what to drink and how to work: “how to live like a creative” unveiled
What creatives do all day, from when they wake up to how much coffee they drink and what they dream about has been unveiled by online platform Format. The survey of 2000 of the site’s members revealed that “89% of creatives remember their dreams, either somewhat or vividly,” and only around a third have any tattoos. Half of all respondents own a cat or a dog, and the same number wear glasses.
There are interesting revelations for productivity, too, with 20% of those surveyed saying they “find themselves to be most creatively productive during the late morning, between 10am to 12:59pm,” and another 20% “most creatively productive during the night, between 9pm and 11:59pm.”
These and many other findings are currently on display on the Format site, illustrated by It’s Nice That favourite Sam Island.
Sam Island: How to live like a creative, for Format
Sam Island: How to live like a creative, for Format
Sam Island: How to live like a creative, for Format
Sam Island: How to live like a creative, for Format
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About the Author
Emily joined It’s Nice That as Online Editor in the summer of 2014 after four years at Design Week. She is particularly interested in graphic design, branding and music. After working It's Nice That as both Online Editor and Deputy Editor, Emily left the company in 2016.