Henry Gorse photographs his mum in a thoughtful Hermes shoot for Petrie magazine

20 September 2017

Photographer Henry Gorse’s latest shoot for Petrie magazine in Hermes special issue, stars his nearest and dearest, his mum.

In the most recent issue, Henry went back to his village in Ravensmoor to complete the shoot. “The surroundings and props all meant something to us both,” he explains, “whether it was the cross door or the bouncy castle, they all have a story beyond the visual.”

For the shoot Henry was given full creative control in order to “see an original interpretation,” says the photographer. “This commission allowed me the perfect chance to reflect upon a situation back home, maybe in a more positive mindset than I was able to without using a camera.”

The photographer’s decision to cast his mum as the model grew from the idea that he “wanted to use the brand Hermes to elevate the story of my mum in a positive light, empowering her,” he explains.

But the logistics of photographing and directing someone who is usually telling you what to do is a difficult task. “It’s always tricky photographing friends and family as I’m seen as Henry, not a photographer. Seeing the clothes and having Brilliant as a stylist I think helped my mum realise this wasn’t just me mucking around with a camera,” says Henry.

“I was surprised at how much of a natural she was, she enjoyed the process. I think subconsciously we both had a lot we wanted to say and it all flowed out visually without much thought, as natural as a collaboration can be, the bond between mother and son.”


Henry Gorse: Hermes for Petrie


Henry Gorse: Hermes for Petrie


Henry Gorse: Hermes for Petrie


Henry Gorse: Hermes for Petrie


Henry Gorse: Hermes for Petrie


Henry Gorse: Hermes for Petrie


Henry Gorse: Hermes for Petrie


Henry Gorse: Hermes for Petrie


Henry Gorse: Hermes for Petrie

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About the Author

Lucy Bourton

Lucy (she/her) was part of the It’s Nice That team from 2016–2025, first joining as a staff writer after graduating from Chelsea College of Art with a degree in Graphic Design Communication, eventually becoming a senior editor on our editorial team, and most recently at Insights, a research-driven department with It’s Nice That.

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