The fifth series of Black Mirror is ready to stream on Netflix right this second
You know you told yourself that you were going to get out of work and head straight to the gym tonight? Yeah, that’s probably not going to happen we’re afraid because Netflix, in its infinite wisdom, have decided to drop the entirety of the fifth series of Charlie Brooker’s beloved Black Mirror in the middle of the week.
Congratulations if you’ve found the self-restraint to continue reading this rather than feigning illness so you can sack off work early and sink into bed with a big bar of chocolate for company and a grin on your telly-loving face, by the way.
Miley Cyrus and Andrew “the sexy priest from Fleabag” Scott are amongst the actors involved in the follow-up to last year’s interactive one-off Bandersnatch.
As ever Brooker’s attentions have largely been on outlining the idea that maybe, just maybe, all this modern technology we’ve got at our disposal could be a…bad thing? The music industry, the gig economy, and the rise of virtual sex are all areas explored in the new series.
Rather aptly, the show’s creator took to Twitter to announce the release, and the three-episode batch is available to view in full on the streaming service right this second.
(Via Twitter)
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Josh Baines joined It's Nice That from July 2018 to July 2019 as News Editor, covering new high-profile projects, awards announcements, and everything else in between.