Bob and Roberta Smith
A new survey by the BBC has revealed that creative subjects are being “squeezed” as schools place a bigger emphasis on core academic subjects. Over 1,200 schools responded to the survey, of which nine in 10 claims they have been forced to cut back on facilities and teaching costs in at least one creative subject. Art, music, drama and design are among the most affected by financial cuts and funding pressures. One in 10 schools even reported that they are relying on voluntary donations in order for students to study creative subjects.
Recent research from the Education Policy Institute offers more bad news for art-enthusiasts. Their reports show that the proportion of students studying creative subjects at GCSE level has been declining and hit 53.5% in 2016, the lowest in a decade. John Kampfer, from the Creative Industries Federations, has expressed concern over the perception of arts subjects as being “soft”. He told the BBC: “Arts provision should also be seen as a core subject. There’s nothing soft about subjects that create the talent that creates the fastest growing sector of our economy.”
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Daphne has worked for us for a few years now as a freelance writer. She covers everything from photography and graphic design to the ways in which artists are using AI.