Anthony Burrill collaborates with Oxfam as part of Second Hand September

23 August 2019

Anthony Burrill x Oxfam

If you’ve ever fantasised of having your very own Anthony Burrill print or t-shirt, then get yourself down to Jealous Gallery on Curtain Road. Opening on 29 August, and closing shortly after on 1 September, Anthony is working with Oxfam on a live screen printing event.

Similar to an event Anthony ran at Glastonbury festival a few months back with Giant Triplets, visitors are invited to bring their own garments to print on for a small contribution to the charity. Each of the print designs by Anthony are screen printed over letterpress prints, re-using these designs to “create new unique pieces and will be live screen printed onto second hand t-shirts to give them a new lease of life.”

The event is part of Oxfam’s Second Hand September campaign, encouraging people to not buy new items of clothing for one month. “Every week 11 million items of clothing end up in landfill and shockingly, the total number of clothes sent to UK landfill every year weighs almost as much as the Empire State Building,” states Oxfam. “Fast fashion is harming people and our planet and, in spite of this enormous challenge, Oxfam is driving to reduce this figure, currently saving around 47 million items of clothing from going to landfill every year.”

Collaborating with Anthony on this event will hopefully show visitors that an old t-shirt you have lying around can be up-cycled into a totally new garment, particularly when featuring the work of one of graphic design’s favourite artists. “We are so grateful to Anthony Burrill and Jealous for supporting out campaign against throwaway fashion,” adds Fee Gilfeather, Oxfam’s sustainability expert. “We hope tips and tricks like this will encourage people to sign up to Second Hand September and take on the challenge of buying no new garments for the month. By buying second hand, or making do with what we have, we can all play a part in reducing the mountains of clothing sent to landfill.”


Anthony Burrill x Oxfam


Anthony Burrill x Oxfam


Anthony Burrill x Oxfam

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About the Author

Lucy Bourton

Lucy (she/her) was part of the It’s Nice That team from 2016–2025, first joining as a staff writer after graduating from Chelsea College of Art with a degree in Graphic Design Communication, eventually becoming a senior editor on our editorial team, and most recently at Insights, a research-driven department with It’s Nice That.

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