There are 850,000 people with dementia in the UK, and by 2025, that number is set to rise to a million. This means that as we speak, tens of thousands of families up and down the country will be preparing for a Christmas with someone affected by the condition. What’s more, many people with Alzheimer’s actually live alone.
With this in mind, the Alzheimer’s Society has released a short animation “designed to challenge misunderstanding and give people with dementia a platform to show how they can still be meaningfully included in festivities.”
London-based branding and graphic design studio Bold & Bold worked with illustrator Stephanie F Scholz and animator Javi Marquin to create the short animation, which is based around experiences that members of the Ashford Dementia Peer Support Group have of life with dementia during the festive period, from the noise and confusion of parties to feelings of exclusion during the seasonal preparations.
A poem penned by members of the group is at the heart of the film, and everyone who has been involved in making this animation either lives with dementia or has a personal connection to it.
Bold & Bold/Alzheimer’s Society
Bold & Bold/Alzheimer’s Society
Bold & Bold/Alzheimer’s Society
Bold & Bold/Alzheimer’s Society
Bold & Bold/Alzheimer’s Society
Bold & Bold/Alzheimer’s Society
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Josh Baines joined It's Nice That from July 2018 to July 2019 as News Editor, covering new high-profile projects, awards announcements, and everything else in between.