For many people redesigning their website is a long and laborious process with several setbacks before they arrive at something they’re even half-happy with. But those super-smart folk over at With Associates are changing their site every month this year, with October’s eye-wateringly brilliant trompe d’oeil offering the best yet. Find out how they did it here.
For With’s Mathew Wilson, the ambitious 12-month project was more than a matter of showing off his team’s technological wizadry. “It was a way of saying this is changing all the time and nobody can keep up – the best we can do is to keep reinventing things.
“But it’s also about putting our money where our mouth is – you cannot say to clients, ‘This is what you should do,’ and then have a website that has never changed.
“I think it’s a responsibility for digital agencies to start doing this kind of thing, taking the risks we are expecting our clients to take on their budgets.”
This month’s “real” 3D website came together at the last minute – it was shot on Saturday, the site built on Sunday and went live on Monday. Working with photographer Andy Matthews and illustrator Marion Deuchars among others, Mathew wanted to create something that reflected how he feels about the role of the web.
“The internet is about facilitating the real world. That is not to belittle online at all, but it facilitates all these great things.”
And although he admits it was hugely tough setting up the right camera position and replicating a website grid on the With Associates studio floor, he is clearly still buzzing with the whole experience.
We can’t wait to see what they come up with for November.
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Rob joined It’s Nice That as Online Editor in July 2011 before becoming Editor-in-Chief and working across all editorial projects including, Printed Pages, Here and Nicer Tuesdays. Rob left It’s Nice That in June 2015.