Walker Art Center

9 December 2011

The Walker Art Center has long been at the forerfront of the contemporary art world, but the Minnesota mega-gallery has really stepped things up with its stunning new website. It’s worth reading executive director Olga Viso’s article about the changes in full, but in short the new site will serve as a portal for contemporary art writing as well as keeping people up-to-date with what’s on at the Walker itself. It’s a great step forward that should be welcomed by all creative types – the writing is excellent and it looks great too with lots of interesting web design tricks producing a thing of real beauty. We think we can chalk that up as a win-win for the Walker!

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Rob Alderson

Rob joined It’s Nice That as Online Editor in July 2011 before becoming Editor-in-Chief and working across all editorial projects including itsnicethat.com, Printed Pages, Here and Nicer Tuesdays. Rob left It’s Nice That in June 2015.

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