Photography: Victoria Ling injects still life photography with a bolt of vibrant colour
There are a lot of still life photographers creating images of products in ways which seem to fade eerily into one another, so when we stumble upon somebody who is doing it in a particularly innovative way we tend to grab hold of them with both of our metaphorical hands. Victoria Ling is one such photographer, who injects her images with colour and a sleek, finished deliberateness which is often easily mislaid by other photographers in the process of working to a brief. We particularly like her Domestic Still Life project, which is highly stylised and yet still very simple, in a way which appeals to our own uncomplicated sensibility.
Victoria Ling: Domestic Still Life
Victoria Ling: Domestic Still Life
Victoria Ling: Domestic Still Life
Victoria Ling: Colour Balance
Victoria Ling: Colour Balance
Victoria Ling: Pollination
Victoria Ling: Pollination
Victoria Ling: Pollination
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Maisie joined It’s Nice That fresh out of university in the summer of 2013 as an intern before joining full time as an Assistant Editor. Maisie left It’s Nice That in July 2015.