Welcome to Uta Eisenreich's wonderfully colourful world of objects
In 2010 Julia Born designed A NOT B, a fantastically colourful book filled with Uta Eisenreich still-lifes. Inspired by non-verbal IQ tests, Eisenreich’s sets were constructed from a vast array of ubiquitous household items – apples, tea pots, hand-held mirrors, etc. – and displayed the artist’s penchant for games, language and symbolism. A NOT B, the book, originated from A NOT B, the exhibition, held at Amsterdam gallery Ellen de Bruijne Projects in 2009, in which the artist’s weird and often very funny objects could be experienced in real life.
Fast forward a few years and Eisenreich’s back, this time with Time after Sometimes, a similarly colourful solo show exploring “love, time and [the] transitoriness of human existence.” The artist’s work, a blurb suggests, “points out the arbitrary relationship (and structural differences) of language as a system of symbols and the mechanisms of the real world,” and this time features earthworms, bones and insects, as well as the usual mix of weird and wonderful domestic objects.
Uta Eisenreich ‘Time after Sometimes’. (2012)
Uta Eisenreich ‘Time after Sometimes’. (2012)
Uta Eisenreich ‘A NOT B’. Design by Julia Born. (2010)
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Alex originally joined It’s Nice That as a designer but moved into editorial and oversaw the It’s Nice That magazine from Issue Six (July 2011) to Issue Eight (March 2012) before moving on that summer.