Celebrating the posters designers have made for their Typo Circle talks
The Typographic Circle (like The Magic Circle but with less rabbits-in-hats and more font chat) was founded nearly 40 years ago and is still going strong in its mission to “bring together anyone with an interest in type and typography.”
Its regular talks are popular fixtures on the creative calendar and have welcomed some of graphic design’s most relevant and important figures over the years (including our own founder Will Hudson). Each speaker is invited to design the poster for their own event and this has led to a terrific archive created by top designers to promote, well, themselves. We had a root through them and selected some of our favourites but you too can rifle through the archive over here.
Tonight The Typo Circle welcomes Craig Oldham, who recently released his stunning visual history of the Miners’ Strike. The talk takes place at 7pm at The St Bride Foundation in London – you can buy tickets here.
Henrik Kubel: Typo Circle Poster
Airside: Typo Circle Poster
Angus Hyland: Typo Circle Poster
Jonathan Barnbrook: Typo Circle Poster
Noma Bar: Typo Circle Poster
Simon Esterson: Typo Circle Poster
Tom Gauld: Typo Circle Poster
Will Hudson: Typo Circle Poster
Craig Oldham: Typo Circle Poster
Harry Pearce: Typo Circle Poster
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Rob joined It’s Nice That as Online Editor in July 2011 before becoming Editor-in-Chief and working across all editorial projects including itsnicethat.com, Printed Pages, Here and Nicer Tuesdays. Rob left It’s Nice That in June 2015.