Illustration: Charming typographical interiors courtesy of Thomas Broomé
At first glance, Thomas Broomé’s typographical illustrations seem a sweet and unassuming alternative to tried and tested drawings of interiors. Which they are, of course; – composed entirely of words repeated across the objects they describe, the painstakingly executed works are often huge in scale, and really very lovely. Still, the collection’s title, Modern Mantra, demands further questioning of Broomé’s subject, as his images draw our attention to a subconscious desire to define ourselves relative to our surroundings. Perhaps the Swedish designer is gently encouraging us to think twice about our dodgier spur of the moment IKEA purchases?
Thomas Broomé: Modern Mantra
Thomas Broomé: Modern Mantra
Thomas Broomé: Modern Mantra
Thomas Broomé: Modern Mantra
Thomas Broomé: Modern Mantra
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Maisie joined It’s Nice That fresh out of university in the summer of 2013 as an intern before joining full time as an Assistant Editor. Maisie left It’s Nice That in July 2015.