Things Part II
Part II of Things this week welcomes Jim O’Raw with his CYMK skill-z, Michael Whelan and a Monograph edition of the great Ad-sites project. Plus Jess Wilson sends us a new screen print, things get concealed and revealed and sometimes concealed again by Jonathon Place and Will Harvey. Finally the weather in Holland unites nations through the medium of pie chart by (wish my second name was) CLEVER°FRANKE.
Conceal / Reveal Jonathon Place and Will Harvey
At first I thought “damn” ’cause JP and WH (the men above) have mixed their “damn” photos up and then I realised that it was a great zine and their work compliments each other really well and the colours are great and I should just chill out. And I like the cover.
Monograph: Ad-sites Michael Whelan
This is a funny, well conceived project and, as a Monocle Monograph, literally sealed with the quality stamp. The utopian boardings Whelan photographed, we all walk past (and wonder at their lack of context – really? A waterfall?) and they shield us from dirty construction, hinting “at an elevated social existence” if only you could live there. Most pleasing are the nice juxtopostitions and continued general abstraction (waterfall???).
Promo poster Jim O’Raw
99% sure this promo that Jim has kindly sent us is a screen print which makes it an incredible feat of registration to say the least. The text adopted for his name is nothing less then Fresh Prince territory and overall, he seems like a nice and polite guy with a fondness for colour saturation and strong geometrics.
Clinky Clanky Jess Wilson
Great new work (on nice paper) from the girl that brought you the illustrated lyrics of Titantic on A3. Made for the worthy lot at Jealous Gallery and continuing the hand drawn, type heavy illustrative idiosyncrasies she’s adopted with aplomb!…
This is truly great – leaping over cultural and language barriers, waving at any political grudges and/or football results as they disappear into the distant forgotten – the Dutch also love to complain about whether it’s sunny, rainy or windy. That is according to the nice cover note Thomas Clever and Gert Franke included with this infographtastic weather chart, thoughtfully designed and aesthetically ace.
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About the Author
Bryony was It’s Nice That’s first ever intern and worked her way up to assistant online editor before moving on to pursue other interests in the summer of 2012.