So yesterday was Friday the 13th and perhaps we felt the weekend might be a bit, er… inauspicious? But fear not! Things is here and it’s your lucky day (just to get the obvious reference out of the way). But seriously folks, in case you thought you’d walked under your last ladder, clear your mind and count your blessings – we’ve definitely got more than our fair share to divvy up.
The Greatest Writer Alive Dallas Clayton
Dallas Clayton started out selling his zines on the street, finally made a website and eventually found himself a children’s book author. This most recent volume is a compilation of things that don’t quite fit into his kid-centeric day job – poems, short stories, quick conversations with people on the street, each accompanied by a beautiful little illustration. Esoteric snippets from the mind of a writer whose gift lies in a shrewd ability to find profundity in the everyday.
2012 Calendar Colourbox
Nothing beats that feeling of opening up your calendar for the new year. It holds the promise of plans yet to be fulfilled, and this one especially tickled our fancy, with highlighter-bright illustrations courtesy of Colourbox’s Joe Rogers, each page functions as its own tear-away print. Sweet! Joe’s also made the effort to fill in the dates for a number of exciting holidays – especially looking forward to “International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day” and something called “Christmas.”
Know Your Condiments Tea Towel Crispin Finn for Burgermat
Do you know your condiments? Well you’d better, because it seems like Crispin Finn are on a mission to make sure that none shall ever again mix up the Hellmann’s with the Coleman’s. Created especially for The Burgermat Show (an exhibition of artwork celebrating all things hamburger) this self-appointed “Condiment Identification Chart” is bold info-graphic at its best – though probably not something to actually wipe your dirty dishes with. We appreciated the lesson and the various “dream kitchen” fantasies which thus ensued.
Out of a Box: Packaging Photography Laurence Haskell
Taking inspiration from the found-art and bricolage philosophies of Marcel Duchamp and Robert Rauchenberg, Mr Haskell has turned his lens away from the slick world of advertising he more regularly inhabits in order to bring us a reflection on something altogether more mundane. He delivers the glossy finish and precise composition we’ve come to expect from his other works and the results, presented on large format newsprint, are just plain pleasing. Who knew an empty egg carton could look so snazzy?
Big Mother Sam Vanallemeersch
Yes, yes, and more yes! The latest offering from Nobrow Press is Big Mother by Sam Vanallemeersch and it’s a big ol’ pile of awesome. Such gouache and ink illustrations have already made him a bit of a legend around these parts and his latest works are as hasty, vibrant and frenetic as ever. When this man puts pen to paper, magic happens. Excuse me while I extract my head from between the pages…