The Weekender: Get your ya-ya's out! It's the Weekender!

23 August 2013

HELLO! It’s a Friday and we’re spending our time reminiscing about the time Daphne and Celeste got bottles of sh*t and p*ss thrown at them at Reading Festival in the year 2000. There’s only one video of it online, and luckily it gives you exactly what you want and more. Despite being absolutely pelted with anything any grubby festival-goer could get their mitts on, Celeste (or Daphne, I don’t know which one’s which) still grinned and said it was “cool that they were throwing stuff!” Good on yer, girls. That’s just the attitude we’re looking for here at The Weekender. Onwards…



6. Really bloody great bookshelf from Ben Newman

An utterly spectacular Bookshelf from illustrator Ben Newman this week, really quite jealous of his weird toy collection. And what incredible books he has!

5. Probably not suitable for vegetarians

Sorry if this put anyone off their lunch, or really any food they ever eat again. Despite the grisliness, this truly is a beautiful depiction of consumption in the modern age.

4. A brilliant Opinion piece on the Edinburgh Festival

Okay, okay. Editor Rob Alderson likes comedy. He used to be a comedian actually. Used to. Here’s his piece on why everyone should make the pilgrimage to the Edinburgh festival.

3. Wooden sleeping pods from SIBLING

Living in a warehouse squat sounds a bit rubbish but not if you’ve got yourself one of these though! A beautiful wooden pod to cosy up in. Cheaper than a house and much, much cooler.

2. Ian Stevenson’s back with a cheeky little al fresco show

We love Ian Stevenson. He’s naughty and he’s weird; the perfect combination. Here’s his latest graffiti project which had us grinning all morning.

1. Terry Gilliam used to look like someone from Kings of Leon

And here’s a blast from the past, witness the inimitable Terry Gilliam teach us a thing or two about animation tricks. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the olden days were just way, way better.



Sunshine peeking through the storm clouds, waterproof safely pac-a-macced, cheesy mix-tape made and a cheeky picnic building up nicely in your fridge? Sounds like you are just about ready for the Bank Holiday. But you’re missing something. Things! And here they are in all their printed glory.


Charlie Lyne: Ultraculture


Charlie Lyne: Ultraculture


Charlie Lyne: Ultraculture


Charlie Lyne: Ultraculture


Charlie Lyne: Ultraculture

Charlie Lyne: Ultraculture

Remember all of those amazing teen movies that just poured out of the 90s, where over gel-haired maybe even curtained boys kept finding himself themselves in that awful predicament where they were dared to date geeky girls and ended up falling in love with them? Well, the facts have been laid bare by writer Charlie Lyne who’s impressive collection of zines from his blog Ultraculture arrived in the office this week. Breaking the teen movie down into morsels the zines cover everything from the top five insults (these are amazing) to celebrity life after being in a teen movie. They are hilarious, nostalgic and an uncomfortable reminder of all of those hairstyles that really should never have ever been considered cool.


Mirko Borsche: Fantastico


Mirko Borsche: Fantastico


Mirko Borsche: Fantastico


Mirko Borsche: Fantastico


Mirko Borsche: Fantastico

Mirko Borsche: Fantastico

Who wouldn’t love hilarious illustrations of brains being pulled out of a weird looking man’s head by a magnet, or of oddly shaped cows or too many people trying to read in too small spaces? Germany-based graphic design company Mirko Borsche have had our stomachs in knots this week with their brilliant publication Fantastico. A warning upon flicking though, you will find yourself laughing at inappropriately ridiculous images.


Von: HelloVon Studios


Von: HelloVon Studios


Von: HelloVon Studios


Von: HelloVon Studios

Von: HelloVon Studios

HelloVon studios – home to the award-winning London based illustrator Von, sent in this rather spectacular newsprint publication covered page-to-page with images flaunting that wonderful traditional-cum-digital mark-making technique of his and we can say this for certain; football players have never looked so iconic.


Luks Magazine


Luks Magazine


Luks Magazine


Luks Magazine


Luks Magazine

Luks Magazine

We don’t know very much about this beautiful publication as it is mainly written in German but this really doesn’t matter as one blink of the eye in its direction will show you how wonderful it is. Based in Hamburg, Luks features over 65 illustrators and a variety of writers so as you can imagine it is sugar for the eyes. Delve in and you will lose yourself amidst the colours following maps across pages only to find yourself again somewhere lost amongst the trees.


Julia Bueno: Poster


Julia Bueno: Poster


Julia Bueno: Poster


Julia Bueno: Poster


Julia Bueno: Poster

Julia Bueno: Poster

It’s bright and beautiful and delicious looking too. Julia Bueno’s poster sent over from her studio in Rio de Janeiro has had us dreaming of sun-kissed tomatoes drenched in olive oil all week. Immediately pasted onto the It’s Nice That walls, we have Julia to thank for sunshine brought into the studio this week.

Ten Times When It All Went Tits Up at Festivals of the week

Because it’s not all just strongbow and shagging and throwing things at Daphne and Celeste! Time to hark back to when people had a worse time than you at a festival .

The Psytrance Rave in a Forest of the Week

Everybody’s favourite big-night-outer Clive Martin ventures into a woodland to dance with smelly beardy types. Let’s watch in wonderment.

Hot Dogs or Legs of the week

For those times when your meat-sticks look like meat sticks – this is super funny.

Monkey Buys Juice of the week

Like a tiny little angry businessman in desperate need of his sugar fix. But in a nappy. Hilaaaarious, and sure to make you want one.

Every Single London Grumblr of the week

It’s not a thing until it’s been divided into a whole bunch of frames and made into a gif, and a really funny one at that! Here’s the full collection in all its glory.

Pigeon on the Undergound of the week

Because sometimes flying just isn’t good enough, y’know?


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It's Nice That

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