If The Weekender was a fruit, it’d be a guava. Mysterious and juicy. If it was a type of rock it’d be igneous. Explosive. If it was a polar landscape feature, it’d be ice. Really cool. But it’s not – it’s a weekly round-up of all that is magnificent about online culture. And all the better for it…
Best of the blog
In the past seven days we were thrilled by this bridge which makes all other bridges seem rubbish, we revelled in how brilliant the English language is thanks to the wonderful Wordnik website, and we were mesmerised by Zimouin’s new work. It’s been emotional.
Best of the rest
This week we envied the bookish residents of Stuttgart due to their jaw-dropping new library, we wished that whoever rules the world makes it compulsory that ALL border checkpoints looked like this and we felt that cycling in London lacks a certain something after watching this gorgeous video on Booooooom!
Tweet of the week
“If you’re reading a boring book, turn all the full stops into exclamation marks.”
Thanks @serafinowicz for brightening up our day with this helpful tip.
Ebay opportunity of the week..
Darling, good news I got you what you always wanted. No, not a Versace handbag. Nope not a Faberge Egg either. A chance to open Tower Bridge..
Scarily could-be-true spoof of the week
Surely it’s only a matter of time before an ad exec somewhere says: “You know Catvertsiing could work…”
In other cat news (there’s a sentence I never thought I’d write) the Prime Minister’s moggy got a much needed vote of confidence, and someone finally saw fit to reward every 100 words you write with some very cute pictures of kittens.
Good news for the unemployed of the week…
Nasa’s hiring…
Headline of the week (by a mile)
Ahem: “Canadians don’t have to choose between bacon and sex anymore…”
Intrigued? Course you are…
Sports combination of the week
Tennis plus ice skating – enjoy!
See you where the drinks are free and the dubstep’s dirty homeboys and homegirls!
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About the Author
Rob joined It’s Nice That as Online Editor in July 2011 before becoming Editor-in-Chief and working across all editorial projects including itsnicethat.com, Printed Pages, Here and Nicer Tuesdays. Rob left It’s Nice That in June 2015.