The Weekender: Eggs in the kettle! It's our fun weekend supplement, The Weekender
Did you ever hear that story about a woman who dropped her baby out of a tower block window but it survived because it landed on a man? Then two years later the same man was walking past the building and the same baby fell on his head again? Imagine how happy the mother was to find out that the same man had saved her baby twice. Imagine her happiness, times it by 4000, that’s how happy The Weekender is. See you later.
6. Girl superimposes her adult self into photos of herself when she was little
Obviously you should look at this. It’s emotional, clever and amazing.
5. Grrrrrreat photos of taxidermy
No, not cringey photos of bad taxidermy, these are stuffed animals photographed beautifully!
4. Explain things in football terms and they become easier to comprehend
Well at least that’s what footie mag Libero is saying. Pretty hilarious.
3. Another release from the British Library
This time they’ve given us access to their science archive! Best news ever!
2. Films are very, very, very edited. Scarily so.
Check out these behind-the-scenes editing shots of The Wolf of Wall Street if you don’t believe us.
1. World peace! World peace! World peace!
World peace, snogging and a lot of deodorant. That’s all we have to say about this gem of an ad from BBH.
On the weeks that NTS Radio don’t do our mixtapes for us we do them ourselves in a cheerful attempt at looking cool. People still like Dire Straits, right? So let’s all breathe a sigh of relief that NTS have taken the helm once more and treated us to a very, very good pile of music. This time they’ve got electronic music producer Lukid to collate some of his favourite tracks. Fancy a listen? There is literally nothing stopping you. Here he is to introduce this spectacular Friday mixtape:
“Hello, I’m Luke and I’m from London. I make music under the name Lukid, and I have a monthly 2 hour show on NTS radio in which I play music that I’ve been listening to that month. The mix that I’ve made for It’s Nice That is a collection of some of my favourite tracks that I’ve played on my show since I started doing it in January of last year.”
NTS Radio – It’s Nice That mix 002 – Lukid by Nts Radio on Mixcloud
The Pitchfork Review: Tote Bag
This week we were chuffed to receive a copy of the Pitchfork Review, Pitchfork’s exciting new print publication. We can’t resist letting the publication run riot in a post all of its own, but just to keep you dribbling here’s the tote bag which arrived with it, bearing the cover in illustrated form. I know, I know, we’re such teases.
Gambia Media and Design Project: See What I See by Jessica Bishopp
Here’s a truly lovely project to give you goosebumps. See What I See is a very unique book, in that it is composed of photographs taken by 18 students in The Gambia between the ages of 16 and 20, on digital cameras which had been donated as a result of a photography project. The photographic insights given are a sweet reminder of what photography can really do in terms of self expression.
Julia Gfrörer: Black is the Colour
We love a comic book, and this sinister one by Julia Gfrörer is an excellent example of why. It focuses on the adventures of a 17th century sailor who is abandoned at sea and (spoiler alert) eventually falls prey to a mean and beautiful mermaid. Julia’s beautiful line drawings only add to the creepily seductive edge of the story, and the minimal nature of the text used proves just how effective her chosen form can be.
Flaneur: Issue #2, Georg-Schwarz-Strasse
Ah, Flaneur_, you have once more pulled off what many would have thought to be impossible – creating a fascinatingly rich and very complete issue of your excellently designed magazine, all about one single street. This time it’s Georg-Schwarz-Strasse in Leipzig, and the publication is as complex, vibrant and diverse as ever.
Johan Björkegren: Brain-Damage
It would be coarse of me to write about Brain-Damage and not mention that it features a lot of bumbles – don’t act all shocked, now, the front cover proudly bears the words “BJORK IS UP YOUR ASS” and the introduction is called A Desolate Perineum. It explains, “Johan Björkegren has no desire to be a dick, instead he is rather content wandering around in something that could be compared to a mental, figurative (and sometimes literal) perineum.” That’s cleared that up, then. The zine is a brilliantly illustrated but rotten trawl through Johan’s dirtiest of minds, punctuated occasionally by a nice bear or a grand landscape. Excellent filth.
Tweet of the Week
— Derek Walker (@dewalker) January 13, 2014
Cheese pervert of the week
Because that’s the kind of twisted world we live in.
Lad of the week
He Photoshops celebrities into his teenage friends’ shit house parties. LAD.
Bank of Ireland advert from back in the day of the week
It’s a bank! In New York! Where? In New York! A what? A bank! Where? In New York!
Big awards ceremony streaker of the week
Let’s be honest, there aren’t many things funnier than a vintage streaker at the Oscars.
Kid that deserves an honorary degree immediately of the week
This is the work of a true genius. The only sad thing is that we’ll never know who did it, or why…
B Y E !
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