The Weekender's here with a vicious squirrel, ready to knock your socks off!

12 October 2012

“I am James, prince of The Weekender and defender of the secrets of witty cultural humour. This is Liv, my fearless friend. Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic keyboard and said, “By the power of It’s Nice That! I have the power!” Liv became the mighty Laughter Cat, and I became Weekender-Man, the most powerful man in the universe! Only one other shares this secret — our friend, Rob Alderson, but he’s away in Turkey. Together we defend friday afternoon from the evil forces of boredom." And erm… that was how The Weekender was born. Or was that He-Man?

Best of the site

This week we drooled without restraint over Daniel Chehade’s beautifully simple graphic design, obsessed over the fantastical weirdness of the animals walking our planet in Granta’s new Book of Barely Imagined Beings and dreamed of having personalised stationery as straight-up sexy as the stuff designed by Lundgren Lindqvist.

Best of Best of the Web

This week Best of the Web gave us this rich history of famously vandalised artworks from the BBC, The Huffington Post took us through a round-up of the 11 greatest douchebag writers in movies and Mr. Porter taught us how to look as magnificent as the perennially stylish Richie Culver. (I’ve got a bit of a beard already, so look out Culver.)

Best of the rest

Creative Review took a closer look at Studio Dumbar’s impressive new identity for Alzheimer Nederland, Pitchfork interviewed music video genius Emily Kai-Bok about her recent promo for Grizzly Bear, and Vice made us cry real tears of laughter with their razor-sharp assessment of the legacy of The Libertines. Doherty you scoundrel!

Tweet of the week

“Had an argument with my neighbour about my trees growing over his fence. Of course, when I extended the Olive Branch it only made it worse.”
@Pundamentalism must be a hoot to live next to.

Social media is better than reality moment of the week

You know sometimes when you’ve just had the worst day EVERRRR and you really need a hug, but there’s nobody there to give you one and it makes you so so sad. Yeah well not anymore because, as with all good things in life, somebody’s created a robotic version in the form of a vest that offers a warm embrace every time somebody ‘likes’ you on Facebook. Sweet relief, we’ll never want for physical contact again!

Genius squirrel of the week

We’ve always been pretty keen on squirrels. Those cute little guys can do no wrong as far as we’re concerned. The combination of fluffy tail, tiny little arms, silky fur and large, vacant eyes is just too much to handle. Sometimes we’ll just sit in a park and watch them for hours. But their status as our favourite semi-rodent has been cemented after one of them attacked One Direction singer Niall Horan in Battersea Park this week. Go on my son!

Time wasted to impressive effect moment of the week

SERIOUSLY, how many hours must’ve been wasted to make this video possible? Who even cares, it’s amazing. We’re jealous.

Best crowd-sourcing of the week

Women of the world rejoice, the cryptic communications of those verbally challenged men in your life need no longer concern you. HeTexted is a brand new site that allows you to upload your man’s incomprehensible messages and have them translated by a panel of literate lads. Sass-tastic! (Cosmo, if you need me, I charge per word).

Signage of the week

Wouldn’t the Underground just be better if it read like this?

Right I’m off to fight Skeletor and save The Castle Greyskull. No wait, that definitely IS He-Man.

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About the Author

James Cartwright

James started out as an intern in 2011 and came back in summer of 2012 to work online and latterly as Print Editor, before leaving in May 2015.

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