The Weekender, you may have noticed, has a fairly infuriating habit of referring to itself in the third person. It’s not because it’s pompous or self-indulgent, it’s just that there’s a certain majesty in our name (ok that sounded pompous). But just in cases, this week I have been toying with some snazzy nicknames. TW is obvious but a bit dull. T Wezzy just makes no sense. I liked T’Ender for many reasons but some people thought it was weird. So I go on, boat against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. The Weekender at your service…
Best of the site
When someone pipes up early in the week and says: “I’ve got a guy who makes clouds” you get the feeling you’re in for a cracker. Berndnaut Smilde duly dropped our jaws, but we were also stoked to feast our eyes on these exclusive shots of the RCA journals Alan Rickman worked on. Oh and we rediscovered a love of Tiltshift thanks to this…
Best of the rest
That sound? It’s the cat being put amongst the pigeons by Lawrence Zeegen’s piece for Creative Review calling on illustrators to rediscover some responsibility. Elsewhere we loved Victor Enrich’s weird and wonderful city shots on Dezeen and as suckers for demarcation, this half graffiti room was a big yes. Oh and we love the New York Times photo archive blog. Got it?
Tweet of the week
“Say what you like about February the 29th, but it’s not November the 36th.
Wise words from @stuheritage about leap year confusion.
Lothario of the week
Great use of the word lothario T Wezzy. Thanks very much. Anyway it’s the guy in the first of this amazing collection of public proposal video from The Guardian. The food court setting is bad enough. Then the guitar arrives…
Use of ice of the week
Yeah whatever we’ve all seen an igloo. It’s good but it’s been done. What about you big man? Musical instruments? Sold.
Heroes of the week
The best thing about this paper plane world record attempt is not simply the sheer ruddy length of the flight, it’s the celebration…
Question of the week
There’s a lot of weird blogs out there (Robert Downey Junior as pin-up girls anyone?) but sometimes baffling becomes oh so brilliant. All anyone ever asks Waldo (that’s Wally for you UK readers) is where? Where, where, where? Nobody ever asks how he is. Until now..
Missing the point moment of the week
The debate around euthanasia is a tricky one, full of passion and deeply-held beliefs on both sides. This guy has bypassed all that, and designed a rollercoaster to help the process along. For once, I am speechless.. (Found via Today and Tomorrow)
Week dog signing off. Woof!
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About the Author
Rob joined It’s Nice That as Online Editor in July 2011 before becoming Editor-in-Chief and working across all editorial projects including, Printed Pages, Here and Nicer Tuesdays. Rob left It’s Nice That in June 2015.