Craig Oldham’s Democratic Lecture delivers advice for aspiring designers
Despite a brash, rhetoric-driven style and shouty design to match, there’s lots of sound advice in Craig Oldham’s The Democratic Lecture. The book offers a range of thoughtful guidance to aspiring graphic designers – think about the presentation of your portfolio, heed the benefits of collaboration, tea-making is important, work out what you’re good at and learn to look.
The book is part of The Democratic Lecture initiative, created by Craig in response to a perceived deterioration in design education standards and a desire to produce something his audience could have a say in. The aim is to hand over decisions about the content of a lecture to those who would be hearing it, so subjects are voted on and delivered accordingly. It’s an interesting idea, and so too is the book that accompanies it.
Craig Oldham: The Democratic Lecture
Craig Oldham: The Democratic Lecture
Craig Oldham: The Democratic Lecture
Craig Oldham: The Democratic Lecture
Craig Oldham: The Democratic Lecture website