The Balloon Hat Experience

30 September 2011

Sometimes it’s hard to find much to smile about. Economic downturn, extortionate education costs and global warming (you’d forgotten about global warming hadn’t you) all threaten to warp your face into the grimmest of frowns. But what if there was a device that could instantly bring a smile to your face – like a hat crafted from balloons? Artists Addi Somekh and Charlie Eckert take the simple art of balloon twisting and elevate it to new heights with the Balloon Hat Experience; creating novelty rubber headgear around the world with the humble intention of making people smile. Enjoy the pictures – everything’s going to be alright.

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About the Author

James Cartwright

James started out as an intern in 2011 and came back in summer of 2012 to work online and latterly as Print Editor, before leaving in May 2015.

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