Studio Audience – Series Three Episode 16, with Tumblr, Richter and Google island

24 May 2013

Well a very good day to you all. As we wind down to the extended bank holiday weekend we thought we’d throw a podcast your way as you’ve got a three-day weekend in which to enjoy it (perhaps more than once) and think over the news we’ve bestowed upon you. In a radical twist of events your usual host (the silky-voiced Rob Alderson) had to be in New York for the week so we’ve changed things up a bit (not much) with exciting results!


The Chelsea Flower Show

In section one this week we reminisced over David Beckham’s illustrious advertising career – promoting everything from sugary drinks to the tightest kecks you’ve ever seen – as he retired from professional football, wondered whether Cannes or Clerkenwell was the most exciting industry event taking place this week, and had a bit of a love-in with the Chelsea Flower Show. We also gawped at the recent record-breaking sale of Gerhard Richter’s Domplatz, Mailaind and got excited about our upcoming creative symposium, Here.


Gerhard Richter: Domplatz, Mailaind


Adam Buxton, who we’re all looking forward to seeing at Here

Section Two this week found us wondering whether Tumblr and Yahoo are really a good fit and debating the pros and cons of Google having it’s own law-free island presided over by (naked or otherwise) Larry Page following his now-infamous keynote to Google employees.


Larry Page (clothed)

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About the Author

James Cartwright

James started out as an intern in 2011 and came back in summer of 2012 to work online and latterly as Print Editor, before leaving in May 2015.

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