Hurrah sign painting lives on and this new book documents it perfectly!
“Things were better in the olden days” – yep it’s that phrase again but with the flurry of the techie world taking pretty much everything by storm the traditional craft of sign painting has most definitely fallen victim to the tired cliche. I mean when was the last time you saw somebody on their hands and knees lovingly painting a sign with a paint brush?
However, luckily enough there are still a dedicated tribe of sign painting traditionalists out there and coming together in Faythe Levine and Sam Macon’s brand new book Sign Painters a fine selection are rightly being showcased to the world! Featuring a bucketload of photographs of people perfecting the craft, a history of sign-making and plenty of stories to keep you seriously in awe, this book is a keeper.
Sign Painters – published by Princeton Architectural Press – is out now.
Sign Painters: Faythe Levine and Sam Macon
Sign Painters: Faythe Levine and Sam Macon
Sign Painters: Faythe Levine and Sam Macon
Sign Painters: Faythe Levine and Sam Macon
Sign Painters: Faythe Levine and Sam Macon
Sign Painters: Faythe Levine and Sam Macon
Sign Painters: Faythe Levine and Sam Macon
Sign Painters: Faythe Levine and Sam Macon