Sebastian Roitter’s comprehensive identity for a fictional film festival
Argentinian designer Sebastian Roitter has created this identity for Festocalipsis, a fictional outdoor film festival all about the end of the world. From showcasing apocalyptic-themed movies to an exhibition about world disasters, the festival and accompanying identity has been designed down to the finest detail.
Sebastian has created a film programme, posters, pamphlets, name badges and branded merchandise for the project. Not only is the scope of what Sebastian has designed impressive, it’s the thought he’s poured into the content that actually makes up the fictional festival. A mix of typography and inky illustrations (drawn by the designer) create a contrast between order and chaos. This meshes well with the ominous undertones of the festival and flashes of yellow, red and purple lighten the mood across what could easily become a very bleak project.
Sebastian Roitter: Festocalipsis
Sebastian Roitter: Festocalipsis
Sebastian Roitter: Festocalipsis
Sebastian Roitter: Festocalipsis
Sebastian Roitter: Festocalipsis
Sebastian Roitter: Festocalipsis
Sebastian Roitter: Festocalipsis
Sebastian Roitter: Festocalipsis
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Rebecca Fulleylove is a freelance writer and editor specialising in art, design and culture. She is also senior writer at Creative Review, having previously worked at Elephant, Google Arts & Culture, and It’s Nice That.