Meet Sari, the Tokyo tourist photobomber making her hobby into an artform
Bit of a weird one here, but brilliant nonetheless. Art student Sari Yamagishi has politely asked groups of tourists in Tokyo if she can photobomb their holiday snaps, making it clear to them beforehand that she wants them to act as if she’s not there. The result is a kind of invisible wall separating her from the group of people, which is kind of hilarious as they both appear to be having such a jovial time. In Tokyo, where something like one in two people are tourists, Sari’s method of interacting with them and immortalising herself in their holiday snaps is charming and funny — solid proof that you don’t need an expensive camera or editing equipment for a truly successful photography project.
Säri Yamagishi: With Sari in Tokyo
Säri Yamagishi: With Sari in Tokyo
Säri Yamagishi: With Sari in Tokyo
Säri Yamagishi: With Sari in Tokyo
Säri Yamagishi: With Sari in Tokyo
Säri Yamagishi: With Sari in Tokyo
Säri Yamagishi: With Sari in Tokyo
Säri Yamagishi: With Sari in Tokyo
Säri Yamagishi: With Sari in Tokyo
Säri Yamagishi: With Sari in Tokyo
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Liv joined It’s Nice That as an intern in 2011 and worked across online, print and events, and was latterly Features Editor before leaving in May 2015.