Riposte’s new collection of literary journals is the magazine’s “wiser, cooler older sibling”

The Riposte Editions series is not confined by design rules; instead, its look is set to change with every single issue.

1 August 2024

Since 2021, there’s been a Riposte-shaped hole in the lives of all good publishing lovers. But now, two-and-a-half years after the 13th edition of the magazine hit the shelves, it’s returning with a series of literary journals, Riposte Editions. This new series – which features poetry and essays from some of the most exciting contemporary writers – is a chance for the team to dig their teeth into something they’re passionate about, and have fun while doing it. “Riposte Editions is something fun and pure and an opportunity to do what we want,” says founder Danielle Pender. “There are no rules, no clients, no set format – the only thread is that each edition will contain literary works that reflect on how it is to be alive now.”

Shaz Madani, the designer of Riposte, is also behind the visual aesthetic for the editions. While the “spirit” of the Riposte magazine remains – beautifully designed print showcasing a range of voices – the series does mark a departure, namely in moving away from a traditional magazine format and toward a literary journal, albeit a “contemporary take” on the form. The design leans into tradition with its “pared back, restrained” approach, says Shaz, which allows for “a quieter space to immerse and reflect”. But equally, she continues, “we didn’t want it to feel overly stuffy or austere”. [...] We wanted to create something that felt like Riposte’s wiser, but cooler older sibling.”


Riposte Editions: Issue One (Copyright © Riposte Editions, 2024)

This distinctiveness is gained through the “shock of red” that emblazons the front cover, which also (coincidentally) happens to be the colour used for the very first issue of Riposte, and the small-scale of the edition, which allows for a more “intimate” reading experience. But perhaps most unique is the plan for the upcoming editions, or, lack thereof. The identity isn’t fixed, rather, the team has allowed space for experimentation. “The editions will have no set form; each issue will take a unique approach and will be designed around its content,” says Shaz. So while the team still wants editions to exist as a collection, Shaz expands there will be some big departures in style when it comes to format and typography. “I hope we surprise readers and ourselves with the next edition,” she says.

It feels as though the editions have come at an important time, a time in which print publishing seems to be somewhat dying out – with an array of revered indie publishers folding, leaving little outlet for writers to publish and have their voices heard. “Riposte Editions is our small contribution, we want to make it a space where both established talent and new voices can be published and connect with an audience,” says Danielle. “Our attention is our greatest commodity, and we want to create something that, no matter how small, encourages people to look away from their screens and engage with ideas that Zuckerberg’s algorithm hasn’t manipulated.”

The first edition is available from today (1 August) and features work from Amy K, Sheena Patel, Kaliane Bradley, K Patrick, Charlie Porter and Halima Jibril. It will be distributed through the dedicated website and Public Knowledge Books, a new distributor based in Walthamstow, London, and all proceeds will be donated to Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP). Each edition will also be complemented by live events, so keep your eyes peeled for more.

GalleryRiposte Editions: Issue One (Copyright © Riposte Editions, 2024)

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Riposte Editions: Issue One (Copyright © Riposte Editions, 2024)

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About the Author

Olivia Hingley

Olivia (she/her) joined the It’s Nice That team as an editorial assistant in November 2021 and soon became staff writer. A graduate of the University of Edinburgh with a degree in English Literature and History, she’s particularly interested in photography, publications and type design.

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