Riikka Sormunen puts blind trust in her daydreams to create intricate escapist paintings

The Helsinki-based artist’s surreal and sensual works are drawn from constant detailed observation and scenes she discovers when her head is in the clouds.

9 September 2024

Before Riikka Sormunen turned her creative focus to painting, and consequently transformed her bedroom into a full-time studio, the artist studied fashion design and worked as an illustrator for over a decade. These past lives apparent in her delicate attention to colour, pattern work and adornment in her painted scenes, Riikka “loves to take time to design each object, fabric, room and garden featured in her work”, she tells us.

The painter now predominantly works in water-mixable oil paints on linen, exploring themes of “pleasure, posing, sensory overload and pareidolia” with her detailed brush strokes. Although many of her works are imaginings drawn from her “excessive daydreaming”, Riikka starts her process by carefully planning out each piece’s composition “mentally practising methods of paint application”. Despite every character’s pose and every prop’s position being calculated, “to stop being a complete control freak”, Riikka likes to “leave areas for intuitive pattern design — like improvising within a practised choreography”, she says. As for her subject matter, the artist has a similar desire to “blindly surrender to the process”.

For the things she looks to for inspiration, Riikka loves the early paintings of Lucien Freud, Ukiyo-e, the detailed style of Japanese woodblock printing, and the ethereal works of Inka Essenhigh — all wonderful puzzle pieces that map together to make sense of just some of the elements of her unique, playful and escapist style.


Riikka Sormunen: Devoured (Copyright © Rikka Sormunen, 2024)


Riikka Sormunen: Inheritance (Copyright © Rikka Sormunen, 2024)


Riikka Sormunen: Moon song (Copyright © Rikka Sormunen, 2024)


Riikka Sormunen: Princess (Copyright © Rikka Sormunen, 2024)


Riikka Sormunen: Courtesan (Copyright © Rikka Sormunen, 2022)


Riikka Sormunen: Pond party (Copyright © Rikka Sormunen, 2022)


Riikka Sormunen: Ever watchful (Copyright © Rikka Sormunen, 2023)


Riikka Sormunen: Popinjay (Copyright © Rikka Sormunen, 2023)


Riikka Sormunen: Mating season (Copyright © Rikka Sormunen, 2024)


Riikka Sormunen: Rainy day (Copyright © Rikka Sormunen, 2023)


Riikka Sormunen: Bonnie (Copyright © Rikka Sormunen, 2023)


Riikka Sormunen: Across the sleeping lake (Copyright © Rikka Sormunen, 2023)


Riikka Sormunen: Leo (Copyright © Rikka Sormunen, 2024)

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Rikka Sormunen: Harvest Mooning (Copyright © Rikka Sormunen, 2023)

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About the Author

Ellis Tree

Ellis Tree (she/her) joined It’s Nice That as a junior writer in April 2024 after graduating from Kingston School of Art with a degree in Graphic Design. Across her research, writing and visual work she has a particular interest in printmaking, self-publishing and expanded approaches to photography.

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