Like Bon Jovi we're half way there in our top 100 articles rundown
So we’ve reached the half way point in our end of year countdown and we’re hammering on into those articles which make up the top 50 of 2012. They’re a diverse bunch as you might expect and remember this is all based purely on numbers – so without any further ado let’s crack on…
Isabelle Wenzel: Building Images
In at the half-way mark are these superb shots from photographer Isabelle Wenzel. They capture what she would end up doing if she was forced to work 9 to 5 in an office and I think most people related with that kind of workplace ennui.
Daido Moriyama: Tights
We’re an innocent bunch on the whole but that doesn’t stop the odd bit of creative titilation finding its way onto the site from time to time. Having two shows running simultaneously in London gave us the perfect excuse to delve into Daido’s erotically-charged world.
Cardiff After Dark: Maciej Dakowicz (taken from the book published by Thames & Hudson)
From the suggestive subtlety above to full-on debauchery here in the form of Maciej Dakowicz’s sublime study of the Welsh capital’s nocturnal side. The phootgrapher spent years pounding the Cardiff streets and produced not just some incredible imagery but also a quintessential portrait of contemporary Britain’s idea of how to have fun.
The best use of timelapse we saw this year bar none, causing us to reasess our wiritng-off of this overused artform. By condensing the landing schedule at Heathrow in this way we are reminded both of the insane concentration of air traffic and the apparent flimsiness of flight.
Ueli Alder: Detonations
Another exception that proves the rule here as on the whole Photoshopped pictures do very little for us. But take a bow Ueli Alder for these extraordinary collages which seamlessly integrate found images of explosions into other landscapes as a comment on the desensitising effect of video game violence.
Gibb’s Farm: Neil Dawson
It’s 45 on this list but Gibb’s Farm is in our top five must-visit places. With amazing creatives given huge swathes of the 1,000 acre park to install pieces it’s an art lover’s paradise and this beauty from Neil Dawson – part piece of paper, part bellyflopping angel – is worth the trip alone.
William Selden/Gary Card: Ponystep
It seems amazing given the ubiquity of cat imagery that we’ve got to number 44 and only the second cat-based post. But what’s certain is that two creatives who’ve had very good years – Gary Card and William Selden – produced a memorable combination of cute kittens and bright plastic backgrounds.
Mid-Century Ads: Advertising from the Mad Men Era
Once again Taschen have led the way this year with beautiful art and design books and in March we featured a real winner. Bringing together a collection of adverts from the 1950s and 60s we were able to revel in exquisite art direction and baulk at the breathtaking sexism.
It’s Nice That: Words Words Words at Selfridges (with Atom and Stewdio) Picture: Andrew Meredith
Oh what’s that? Something we did? That’s embarrassing…oh well in at 42 with one of the earliest posts this year to make the top 100 is our Selfridges installation. The highlight was a 14ft wooden fortune-telling rollercoaster, obviously, plus some ace work from three special friends of ours. Nice.
You’d imagine the genii at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology would devote their days to solving the world’s biggest problems but thankfully they find some time to tackle more everyday concerns. By coating sauce bottles in Liquiglide, Dave Smith and his team did us all a favour and for that we thank them.
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About the Author
Rob joined It’s Nice That as Online Editor in July 2011 before becoming Editor-in-Chief and working across all editorial projects including, Printed Pages, Here and Nicer Tuesdays. Rob left It’s Nice That in June 2015.