Here it ruddy well is! The best of the Weekender 2012!
The Weekender is a strange beast. The Weekender is like that time Brian Harvey ran himself over after eating too many jacket potatoes, The Weekender is the “luxurious” coat of the now-sanctioned Ikea monkey. But The Weekender is more than just a bizarre toilet of detritus we find as we grope our way through the burnt plastic mist of the internet in search for content berries, it’s kind of an experience. Fleeting it is, unarchived it is not, and so we have kindly gathered the best tidbits of the last 52 or so Weekenders and collected them in one big old bumper edition. T’boftë mire!
Best of the site
We’ve done that, in the review of the year. No point dwelling on all that cultural nonsense, let’s move on to what’s really important (funny videos)…
Best of the rest
I think I speak for all of us when I raise my hands to my screen, well up, and scream “I LOVE THE INTERNET” in a kind of loud, ominous growl. Also, let’s have a big round of applause for everyone who has uploaded stimulating or hilarious content to the World Wide Web this past year, it’s been quite a ride! Highlights include this brillliant short from BBC Comedy
Best of the Best of the Web
You know, It’s Nice That isn’t the only website in the world, come on guys! There are, in fact, other websites that also have a soft spot for art and design, and who are we to ignore it? This year there were highlights such as Tavi Gevinson interviewing Daniel Clowes for Rookie , Dazed took us on tour with The XX and The Guardian showed us some of the worst band T-shirts of all time! NICE ONE, EVERYONE ELSE!
Image taken from Lawrence Zeegen’s “Where is the content?” article
Tweet of the Year
Tough one, but it’s got to go to our new favourite woman @alicewhitey – nothing has made us laugh more, or for longer, the whole year. “I don’t know who put ‘likes w*nking’ in my CV or how long it’s been there but effectively, you’ve ruined my entire life.”
Runners up include @Mr_Bingo for this gem: “If I leave Facebook, how will I show the people from school that my life is better than theirs? Do I send them a newsletter or something? ”
And this little nugget of information from @Lloyd Woolf “I just looked at myspace. It was like visiting Easter Island and seeing the remains of a culture that had destroyed itself.”
Best opening paragraph of The Weekender
The Weekender opening paragraph is a strange thing, and should be approached with caution. Never has a beast been so cringeworthy and so endearing at the same time, it’s kinda cute! Anyway, we’ve found what we feel is the most ludicrous, and best, so here it is:
“Listen up Weekendudes and Weekendettes, have I got a fact for you. So it turns out the South Kensington area of London where all the museums are is known as Albertropolis. How fricking sweet is that, and what a boost for all of us with names that end in “-bert” who up to now have had only the nagging fear someone might call us Bertie. My desk has been renamed Robertropolis and it has laws and a flag and a national anthem (I’ll sing it if you ask me nicely). Where was I? Oh yes, live from Robertropolis, it’s the Weekender!…”
Now, enough of this tomfoolery, let’s have a look at the best of this year’s internet vomit shall we?
Other internet bits
Ross Kemp folds. Does what it says on the tin.
We really enjoyed this low-fi video of a very slow page-turner. Not the most unique idea, but something about this is just so, so brilliant.
Yeah so the Olympics were pretty big, and some other stuff happened too, but one of the biggest bits of news for us this year was the announcement of the Kit Kat chunky flavour winner. WE KNEW YOU COULD DO IT, PEANUT!
Here’s an old man playing the spoons to Insomnia by Faithless. No big deal.
Here’s the original character descriptions of the Friends characters. Thank you internet.
Still unsatisfied? If you’re not content with going back through all of our Weekenders from the past year, then just sit back and watch this video. It’s all you’ll ever, ever need.
Merry Christmas! I love you. Bye!
Merry Christmas from It’s Nice That!
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Liv joined It’s Nice That as an intern in 2011 and worked across online, print and events, and was latterly Features Editor before leaving in May 2015.