Review of the Year: Some of our favourite moving image work of the year
Arguably the most exciting creative projects of 2013 can’t be pinned down to just one frame, so we’ve allowed them to overflow into a Review of the Year post all of their own, compiling some of the very best film, animation and moving image clips of the year. Where else would you find puppets pleasuring themselves, a crazy glimpse into the future by the Layzell Brothers (say no more) and a guide to tricky social situations narrated by Jason Schwartzman? As we thought! You need us.
If Shishi Yamazaki’s dancing girl happily shaking it down the streets of Tokyo doesn’t fill your heart with joy, then quite frankly I don’t think anything ever will. Between her 1960s art-house moves, a selection of snacks and the rainbow colours flowing down the street, watching this should probably be one of your five a day.
Oh, Layzell brothers, is there nothing you can’t turn to gold with your weird characters, hilarious voiceovers and one-liners demanding “if I were a dog would you let me bury my boner in your back garden?” This two-and-a-half minute short made in collaboration with ADHD is the funniest, grossest thing I’ve watched this week and it would be nothing short of criminal not to share it.
Tricky social situations can be agonising, and with the festive period promising parties and alcohol in equal measures it’s probably for the best that you watch this series of short clips, directed by Eva Michon and narratred by Jason Schwartzmann, to ensure that you know how best to behave at all times.
Long before she was famous and churning out beautiful films faster than most of her fans can jump up and down, Sofia Coppola made this, her very first masterpiece. Lick the Star is a 13 minute long black and white tribute to the 1990s, complete with girl gangs, cute boys and a super dreamy pace. Also, as I just re-learned: “The opening scene of her debut shows the lead girl being driven along in a car – a running theme that has remained in almost every single opening scene in her films since”. Cool, no?
Becky and Joe pulled off the unthinkable with this new music video for Unknown Mortal Orchestra, when they filled it with a collection of cute puppets pleasuring themselves. The result? A wonderfully sweet story about love, life and masturbation that’s so good it beats off some stiff competition to get into our top five favourite moving image posts of the year. Prepare yourself for several kinds of happy ending (sorry about the puns ((not sorry)) ).
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About the Author
Maisie joined It’s Nice That fresh out of university in the summer of 2013 as an intern before joining full time as an Assistant Editor. Maisie left It’s Nice That in July 2015.