Review of the Year: It's round two of our Top 100 articles! Here's 90-81
We may have only just brought you the first instalment of our top articles of 2013 but you know us, dear reader, and we’re moving along swifter than a cartoon train with its gearstick stuck in forward. Without further ado then here are entries number 90-81 of our most read articles this year, in all of their art and designy glory!
One of the coolest things about the Review of the Year is being able to see just how things have moved along; it seems like only the other day that we posted about the “making of” Michel Gondry’s animated masterpiece in conversation with legendary activist Noam Chomsky, which is now available to watch in full on iTunes – but even that doesn’t lessen our remembrance of the excitement we felt when we first saw the trailer. Match made in heaven!
Edvos: Albert Einstein, Summer 1939 Nassau Point, Long Island, NY
We’ve stumbled upon some excellent internet fodder to help your Fridays along this year (even if we do say so ourselves) and this series of old black and white photographs which have been colorised was a prime example. How the magicians who put this amazing process into action manage to do it I don’t know, but we’re terribly glad they do if only to see the print on Audrey Hepburn’s dress or the blue of a young Charlie Chaplin’s eyes. Pure gold.
Amy West: Grafik BS
Amy West took home all the (metaphorical) awards for satire in graphic design this year with her brilliant Grafik BS project. Playing on the online community’s tendency to place style over substance, she created a make-believe studio which produced a collection of completely meaningless posters, to shedloads of praise and hilarious results…
Ben Roberts: Amazon Unpacked
Getting a glimpse inside an enormous warehouse is always a fascinating experience, and from what I’ve seen there are none so enormous as that of retail giant Amazon. Photographing their space, which is approximately as big as nine football pitches, Ben Roberts and journalist Sarah O’Connor did a fantastic job of satisfying our curiosity about what it looks like inside. At this time of year in particular it’s good to remind ourselves of the sheer scale of this consumerist juggernaut.
Sony did an excellent job of blowing our minds earlier this year when they released this advert to celebrate a new camera with an impressive pixel display. Eight million flowers were used in the production, which sees them thrown out of an erupting volcano, coating an entire landscape with tiny pink petals. And of course it’s all in glorious slow-mo.
The Wes Anderson Collection: by Matt Zoller Seitz, illustration by Max Dalton
Oh Wes Anderson, is there anything you put your name to that isn’t bursting with joy at every turn of the page? This book, written by film critic and director Matt Zoller Seitz, is choc-a-bloc with interviews, illustrations, photographs, essays and storyboards. It makes a fine and yet ineffectual attempt to satisfy our desire to know more about Wes Anderson and the making of his excellent films, which is basically insatiable.
Here’s one to fill you with happiness, envy and complete and utter confusion as to how this girl is so young and so cool and so good at dancing. She’s more charismatic than I could ever even dream of being, and she whips out a headspin like it ain’t no thang at all.
DDB Paris: Literacy Campaign
DDB Paris’ literacy campaign was an excellent example of just how effective graphic design can be at conveying meaning, when used in the correct way. By recreating archetypal make-up, car and holiday ads they challenged the tendency of everyday viewers to skip over meaning when glancing at a billboard. The resulting shock is a frightening reminder of the problem at the heart of the idea.
Malika Favre: Kama Sutra
Ohhhh gad, Malika Favre hotted things up no end back in drizzly April with her typographic Kama Sutra, combining sexy saucy wiggling figures to create letters cheekier than any we’ve seen before. Have you ever seen the words “It’s Nice That” look so sexy? No. No you haven’t. Thanks Malika.
Superbowl Adverts: GoDaddy
Like most of the United Kingdom, we found ourselves in a bit of a tight spot back in February when the Superbowl left us feeling completely ignorant about American Football tactics. Fortunately we were able to mask up utter incompetence behind the one thing we do know about (after Beyonce) – advertising! We gave you a comprehensive run-down of all the adverts played to the Superbowl’s estimated 90 million person audience. Watch them all in one go and they paint a somewhat frightening portrait of consumerism; watch them one by one and they’re mostly a fascinating insight into us as an audience. Enjoy!
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About the Author
Maisie joined It’s Nice That fresh out of university in the summer of 2013 as an intern before joining full time as an Assistant Editor. Maisie left It’s Nice That in July 2015.