Cool young creatives come together to perform for Protein's Olympic-themed show
Now you may feel after all the weekend’s excitement that you’re a bit over the Olympics and the idea of a new show featuring cool creatives responding to the games may not float your boat. But Protein’s new show has assembled exactly the right sorts of people and the results are excellent.
The show features some of London’s most innovative and exciting illustrators and designers who were set the task of exploring what the Olympics mean to them as Londoners and in particular the concept of ’"Performance" (hence the name). The only constraint was that the only colour palette they were allowed use was that of the iconic Olympic rings, the rest was up to them.
With a host of great creatives taking part including Oscar Bolton Green, Tom Edwards, Jack Featherstone and Sophy Hollington this is an alternative take on a popular theme, an east London alternative to Central St Martin’s fabulous FIT show.
Performance runs until August 19 at 18 Hewett Street.
Angus McCrum: Performance
Sophy Hollington: Performance
Tom Pearson: Performance
Performance poster