Production Type takes a look at miniatures in its Gemeli Micro specimen

19 June 2015

Paris-based foundry Production Type seems to be on a self-orchestrated mission to jazz up type specimens. Following on from the neatly put-together booklet demonstrating Proto Grotesk which we posted about not long ago, the foundry is back with more printed goods, and this time around it’s to show off Gemeli Micro.

“Gemeli’s x-height was enlarged, extenders shortened, stance widened, spacing loosened, and forms simplified,” the foundry explains of the new and improved Gemeli. “Combined with pronounced ink traps, these compensations not only help Gemeli Micro work at sizes south of eight-point, they also make for unique headlines and word marks.”

Full character sets come accompanied by A Very Small History of Very Small Types, an essay by historian Sébastien Morlighem about the origins of microscopic types in miniature books and telephone directories. The specimen might not be ground-breaking, but it is a rather nice object to have floating about your desk.


Production Type: Gemeli Micro Specimen (photo by Julien Lelièvre)


Production Type: Gemeli Micro Specimen (photo by Julien Lelièvre)


Production Type: Gemeli Micro Specimen (photo by Julien Lelièvre)


Production Type: Gemeli Micro Specimen (photo by Julien Lelièvre)


Production Type: Gemeli Micro Specimen (photo by Julien Lelièvre)

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About the Author

Maisie Skidmore

Maisie joined It’s Nice That fresh out of university in the summer of 2013 as an intern before joining full time as an Assistant Editor. Maisie left It’s Nice That in July 2015.

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