Polly Nor is a north west London-based illustrator whose “dark and satirical drawings of women and their demons” have gained an immense following over recent years.
Since graduating in 2011 Polly’s list of commissions are endless, from Bloomsbury Publishing to Dazed Digital, and we can see exactly why. With an ironic narrative reminiscent of the cartoon series Daria, the illustrator focuses on traits of females often undiscussed. From battling with personal worries, surreptitious sexual tendencies to simply not being able to decide what to wear, the illustrator is valiant with her content.
A reoccurring figure throughout Polly’s illustrations is a devilish character used to represent woes that play on the female mind. Each illustration is broad in its portrayal but with a consistent relatable charm, whether it is describing something suggestive or serious.
In one square image Polly is able to sketch an entire narrative, through a range of characterful expressions, textures in a feminine colour palette. Someone give the girl an animated series, we want to see how these characters beat or embrace their demons!
Polly Nor: Learned how to hide my crazy
Polly Nor: It got loose
Polly Nor: Cba 2 Pretend No More
Polly Nor: Babe You’re Going To Be Fine
Polly Nor: Cut It Off
Polly Nor: Cut It Off
Polly Nor: She Only Swipes Right On Sundays
Polly Nor: Got 2 Get Through This
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About the Author
Lucy (she/her) was part of the It’s Nice That team from 2016–2025, first joining as a staff writer after graduating from Chelsea College of Art with a degree in Graphic Design Communication, eventually becoming a senior editor on our editorial team, and most recently at Insights, a research-driven department with It’s Nice That.