Blog: Josh Lewandowski draws a pointless diagram every day for a year
“Ah!” You’re thinking. “A handy diagram! Whatever could that help me with?” And that dear reader is where you’re wrong, because the answer to your question is nothing at all. Appearing though they may to contain some shred of useful information, the truth is that these drawings do not, none at all, and any apparent reference within them is just pure coincidence.
The brilliant blog which contains all of these pointless diagrams has done the rounds a bit of late; it’s the brainchild of a Josh Lewandowski, who when he is not drawing useless diagrams can be found designing furniture, and as he explains his motives much better than I can, here he is:
“I started this blog because for as long as I can remember I’ve always drawn and doodled 3d sketches that have an unapologetic dearth of meaning. Whether it was in a 6th grade English class, during a lecture in grad school, or when I should have been working, I was busy diagramming nonsense. The sketches are usually meaningless … I draw my inspiration from architecture, furniture, engineering, geometry, cereal boxes, Lego instructions, and Etch A Sketch memories. I always use pen and ink because erasing is for wimps.”
Josh Lewandowski: Pointless Diagrams
Josh Lewandowski: Pointless Diagrams
Josh Lewandowski: Pointless Diagrams
Josh Lewandowski: Pointless Diagrams
Josh Lewandowski: Pointless Diagrams
Josh Lewandowski: Pointless Diagrams
Josh Lewandowski: Pointless Diagrams
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Maisie joined It’s Nice That fresh out of university in the summer of 2013 as an intern before joining full time as an Assistant Editor. Maisie left It’s Nice That in July 2015.