Lots to look for and love in the ink-work wonder of Pierre Dubois' illustrations
Switzerland-based, ink-happy Pierre(PierrePierre) Dubois has a monochrome but broad visual currency of iterative short, sharp lines and painted fills. These marks make up drawings that describe spectacularly but not quite in the reportage way – it’s a style that might otherwise be restricted to offhand observations in sketchbooks, but these are stand-alone works with a remarkable quality of detail. In particular, I can’t get over his landscape view of things, the clear-line way of working creates a pretty fascinating marked surface that all at once flattens and adds depth to the image.
Pierre Dubois: Untlitled
Pierre Dubois: Untlitled
Pierre Dubois: Untlitled
Pierre Dubois: Untlitled
Pierre Dubois: Untlitled
Pierre Dubois: Untlitled
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Bryony was It’s Nice That’s first ever intern and worked her way up to assistant online editor before moving on to pursue other interests in the summer of 2012.