Photography: My mate, primate. James Mollison photographs chimps up CLOSE
WOAH there, hands up if you did not expect portraits of monkeys to look this much like humans. This is one of the most terrifying and cool photography projects we’ve ever seen! Up close and personal with our natural brothers, chimps. The way these portraits of primates look us straight in the eye make us want to hastily apologise for the way we treat the earth and give photographer James Mollison some kind of cash prize immediately for this fascinating project.
On his synopsis, James says of the project that he was struck by how similar the faces of these chimps were to our very own. “Humans are clearly different to animals, but the great apes inhabit that grey area between man and animal. I thought it would be interesting to try to photograph gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos and orangutans using the aesthetic of the passport photograph- its ubiquitous style suggesting the idea of identity.”
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Liv joined It’s Nice That as an intern in 2011 and worked across online, print and events, and was latterly Features Editor before leaving in May 2015.