Peter Hapak's compelling portraits of famous faces are pretty special
It’s about time we featured photographer Peter Hapak on our site; his portraits have sure graced the pages of many a prestigious publication. His portfolio is the photographic equivalent of a box of Quality Street; not only packed with famous faces, but also cracking clients like TIME, The New York Times Magazine and The Times. In case you were wondering, he doesn’t exclusively work for publications with “time” in the title – he shot an Emmy portfolio for Variety earlier this year. Born in Hungary and no less than a fourth generation photographer, Peter has a timeless (sorry, couldn’t resist) style, finding something in these familiar faces which hasn’t quite been captured before. Thankfully, unlike a tin of everyone’s favourite Christmas chocolates, the treats in Peter’s portfolio seem to last forever. Feast your eyes, my friends.
Peter Hapak: K Knightley, TIME
Peter Hapak: R Federer, NY Times Magazine
Peter Hapak: M McConaughey, TIME
Peter Hapak: U Aduba, TIME
Peter Hapak: S Ibaka, ESPN
Peter Hapak: B B Thornton, Variety
Peter Hapak: F Whitaker, Ebony