One Direction didn't make top ten! Our Review Of The Year rundown continues
WHAT?! Really? Yes, that is correct, One Direction did not make It’s Nice That’s top ten most viewed articles, shock horror. To find out what else just missed out but still had barnstormingly strong years, scroll away!
Kawamura-Ganjavian: Ostrich Pillow
Well here’s something you never knew you wanted, a pillow that simulates what it’s like for an ostrich to sleep with his little pea-brained head in the sand! Form an orderly queue!
Random International: Rain Room at The Barbican
Have you seen those folk with picnics queuing in the Barbican for three hours? They are queuing for what can only be described as the immersive event of the year. Simple concept: walk into a really rainy room, and as you walk you stay dry. Amazing!
18 — This Is Now
Before everyone starts hating Instagram for selling their precious photos of their over-filtered lunches, let’s remember this great hack that showed us live updates from Instagrammers all over the world. Beautifully designed and very satisfying!
17 — Jordy Van Den Nieuwendijk
If you asked the It’s Nice That editorial team who their favourite illustrator of 2012 was, this guy may easily come in top. Can you seriously say that his work reminds you of anyone elses? Thought not. Jordy, we love you.
16 — The Bill Murray Colouring Book
The fact that a colouring book was the 16th most-viewed post this year shows a lot about you dear audience, and we couldn’t be happier about that. Well done Bellykids for this wondrous, simple combination of heroic actor and staple childhood accessory.
15 — Lowe Cape Town: Cam-Whoring Self-Portraits
Fittingly in the same year that MySpace had a redesign, ad agency Lowe Cape Town decided to create this series of cringeworthy camera-whore portraits. We can all agree that Churchill would never be lame enough to actually do this in real life, but they’re pretty hilarious.
14 — Nerhol: Misunderstanding Focus
Here’s a gem that was reflagged about eight billion times this year, for good reason! Paper genii Nerhol’s time-lapse cut-away portraits have earned them a place in the paper craftsmen hall of fame.
13 — Fabian Oefner: Millefiori
We’ve posted a lot of things that you may be more familiar to coming across after accidentally eating mushroom risotto from the Green Fields area at Glastonbury. Trippy visuals totally trended this year and Fabian Oefner is here to prove why.
12 — One Direction for Wonderland Magazine
Some of you haters thought we were wrong for posting this. I mean hell-o! This is one of the most hilarious, witty, and aesthetically pleasing photoshoots of all time. Still don’t like it? Save your cynicism for Twitter you big downers!
11 — Gender Bending
Yes okay, One Direction is one thing, but we too are a little ashamed that this nearly got in the top ten articles of 2012. It’s funny how being really, really good at Photoshop can win you brownie points in this day and age, but who cares? These are hilarious. Our favourite? Tom Hanks. Definitely.
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About the Author
Liv joined It’s Nice That as an intern in 2011 and worked across online, print and events, and was latterly Features Editor before leaving in May 2015.