Illustration: Hello cheeky! Great new work from the excellent Jiro Bevis
How Jiro Bevis finds the time to produce so much awesome work we’ll never know, but the London-based image-maker always seems to be hard at it, turning the most obscure pop culture references into killer illustration. Since we last caught up with him – when he did some beyootiful work for our Annual – he’s churned out a whole load of great new projects like it aint’ no thing, for the likes of Nike, Adidas, Bloomberg Businessweek, trendy London nightlife hotspot Barden’s and a heap of great bands. Treat yourself to a stroll through his portfolio on what’s otherwise an exceptionally grey Monday.
Jiro Bevis: New Work
Jiro Bevis: New Work
Jiro Bevis: New Work
Jiro Bevis: New Work
Jiro Bevis: New Work
Jiro Bevis: New Work
Jiro Bevis: New Work
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About the Author
James started out as an intern in 2011 and came back in summer of 2012 to work online and latterly as Print Editor, before leaving in May 2015.