Introducing: Our newest team member, meet events manager Lisa Farrell

24 October 2013

Our new events manager Lisa Farrell has actually been here at INT HQ for a few weeks now but she has procrastinated on answering our hilarious introductory questions for that entire time. Now I’m not saying we forced or bullied her into finally getting this done, but I will say that her reluctance has now been overcome. Make of that what you will. So without any further ado, meet Lisa in her own words…

How do you explain what you do to your parents?

I find out about interesting people and bring them together.

Did your education count?

To be honest, when I left school I had no idea what to do with myself. I took three “gap years” trying to figure out which direction to head in. I worked as a picture framer, gallery assistant, film production runner, club promoter (the list goes on) and even programmed a festival.

Getting experience in different sides of the creative industries was an education in itself, but I eventually went to Central Saint Martins to study Criticism, Communication and Curation: Arts & Design , and found that practice is most exciting when grounded by an understanding of history and ideas. So yessir, it counted loads.

What’s the best mistake you have ever made?

I spontaneously moved to Berlin on my own when I was 21, only to realise that I was painfully shy and couldn’t work up the courage to speak to anyone! After two very dull weeks I decided that the best way to make some mates was be to become a “professional party photographer" so I could legitimately go to clubs on my own and speak to people.

I bought a camera, and made my way around Berlin party circuit taking dodgy photos and using it as a prop to start conversations. All a bit of a hazy memory now, but I had a lot of fun, and most importantly it sparked an enduring love affair with photography.

When did you realise that this is what you were good at?

I only know I’m good because I haven’t always been. Some of my oldest friends like to remind me of the club night of three attendees, where they begun inflating balloons and drawing on magic marker faces to populate the room. My attendance figures have steadily increased since, and with them the belief that I know what I’m doing.

What rules do you live by?

Dream big, then work mega hard to get there. 

What makes your day?

The endless banter between It’s Nice That and our sister company INT Works. LADS

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

Jacqueline Du Pre or Scully from The X-Files.

What one thing would you like to be remembered by/for?

I have many an embarrassing tale to tell, which makes me a fantastic dinner guest. 

What’s your favourite combination?

Art and humour.

What’s the funniest thing you have EVER seen?


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It's Nice That

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