Illustration: Kanae Sato’s bold and blotchy children’s illustrations are incredibly eye-catching
The illustrations by Japanese based Kanae Sato teeter on the cute, yet her nonplussed moldable monsters and pictures of kids spewing stars are weird enough to intrigue us. There’s something iconic about her simple bold backgrounds and candid blotches of geometric colour, which she uses to form triangular skirts and blunt bobs that make Louise Brooks’ look unkempt. Kanae makes her irresistibly sweet icons for websites, posters and packaging, and her eye-catching creations end up looking like what kids might dream-up when designing stamps for postcards to their imaginary friends.
Kanae Sato: Children
Kanae Sato: Scary Dreams
Kanae Sato: Untitled
Kanae Sato: Untitled
Kanae Sato: Untitled
Kanae Sato: Children