Illustration: Marcellus Hall turns washes of colour into captivating characters
If you’re one for transforming the coffee rings on your notebook into characters then you’ll undoubtedly appreciate Marcellus Hall. The editorial illustrator has worked with some of the biggest names in publishing, but his latest project, a series of postcards created using pen, ink and watercolour, is decidedly more freehand than what he’s used to.
Beginning with the watercolour marks which occur randomly through background washes, Marcellus uses pen and ink to bring life to accidental shapes and lines. The resulting series, of bicycles, cowboys and explorers, hot air balloons and dogs, is super endearing in its improvised charm. This is like doodling seen through a lovely Instagram filter.
Marcellus Hall: Pen & Ink
Marcellus Hall: Pen & Ink
Marcellus Hall: Pen & Ink
Marcellus Hall: Pen & Ink
Marcellus Hall: Pen & Ink
Marcellus Hall: Pen & Ink
Marcellus Hall: Pen & Ink
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Maisie joined It’s Nice That fresh out of university in the summer of 2013 as an intern before joining full time as an Assistant Editor. Maisie left It’s Nice That in July 2015.