Geordie Wood: photojournalist, fine art photographer or both?
Looking at the balance of Geordie Wood’s work you can almost tell he studied both photojournalism and fine art photography. In terms of style, his portraits and fashion photography are candid and formalist at the same time, and his editorials are frequently published as diptychs pairing people with shots of incidentals, architectural details and glimpses of the urban environment.
Recent examples include a story shot in South Africa, which is broken up by close-ups of number plates and graffiti, and a knitwear shoot for The New York Times incorporating shots of patterned brickwork and road markings. The Brooklyn-based photographer shoots everything from large-scale fashion shoots, one-on-one portraits and personal projects, and is a regular contributor to The New York Times as well as titles like Rolling Stone, Vogue and The Fader, where he previously worked as photo director.
Geordie Wood: South Africa
Geordie Wood: South Africa
Geordie Wood: Knitwear for The New York Times
Geordie Wood: South Africa
Geordie Wood: Knitwear for The New York Times