The wacky, zany and eccentric world of illustrator Egle Zvirblyte

17 January 2017

Lithuanian illustrator Egle Zvirblyte sums up her own work as “bright, sweet and a juicy world of offbeats”. She certainly has an accurate understanding of her practice, which is bursting with shapely figures with animalistic characteristics.

Egle has had quite the nomadic artistic experience, originally moving to London from Lithuania for a bachelors degree in Interior and Spatial design at Chelsea College of arts, followed by a degree in Film Studies. She then made a jump to the other side of the world, moving to Melbourne, Australia, “to focus intensely on my practice,” the illustrator explains. Since then Egle continued to travel the globe, “living and developing projects in Australia, Japan, Bali and Spain”.

Despite an educational background in set design and film, Egle has settled artistically as an illustrator. Within her boldly-shaped and primary-coloured works Egle creates, “fictional worlds, inventing characters to inhabit them,” she tells It’s Nice That. “They are all from one big comic saga with intertwining stories, I just keep jumping to different chapters. This world is wacky, zany, eccentric. There is a strong emphasis on composition, shapes and colours.”

In terms of context, the illustrator explains she doesn’t like to “take my subjects too seriously,” with work continually based upon, “absurdity, sexuality and street culture, full of bromance, girl power and 80s fashion”. Observing the details of everyday life the illustrator gains inspiration from, “Yokoo Tadanori and United Colours of Benetton ads, to supermarket graphics and Russian dating site pics.”

Usually creating her work digitally, Egle hopes to “to get dirty and go big again” this year. “My dream project is to create a parade of huge inflatables that would end up being a big pool party. Let’s see if it happens!”


Egle Zvirblyte


Egle Zvirblyte


Egle Zvirblyte


Egle Zvirblyte


Egle Zvirblyte


Egle Zvirblyte


Egle Zvirblyte


Egle Zvirblyte

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About the Author

Lucy Bourton

Lucy (she/her) was part of the It’s Nice That team from 2016–2025, first joining as a staff writer after graduating from Chelsea College of Art with a degree in Graphic Design Communication, eventually becoming a senior editor on our editorial team, and most recently at Insights, a research-driven department with It’s Nice That.

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