Set an algorithm and let it go, the generative art of Dextro
In an perpetuating series of beautiful and abstract stills, animations, films and applied graphics, Dextro – an original internet artist – has been using the most basic of visual tropes even the earliest web-ready computer could offer; generative algorithms, boid-like figurations and specific pixel display. And with them he has created some of the most extraordinary images that are analogous of so many things in the real world, like waves and light and sand dunes and other poetic commonalities and it’s ongoing! If you haven’t come across this work before, though you’re likely to have seen his imitators, then now is the time to let the almost meditative cumulative artworks remind you of how freaky-cool technology was/is/will be.
Dextro: Algorithmic Images
Dextro: Algorithmic Images
Dextro: Algorithmic Images
Dextro: Algorithmic Images
Dextro: Algorithmic Images
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About the Author
Bryony was It’s Nice That’s first ever intern and worked her way up to assistant online editor before moving on to pursue other interests in the summer of 2012.